Batman V Superman: 10 Most Important Things It Has To Get Right

7. Lex Luthor As A Credible Villain

Despite how well received their movies are, Marvel are frequently criticised for the weak (in terms of characterisations and motivations) villains who appear in them. You have to imagine that Warner Bros. has big plans for Lex Luthor, especially as on top of his Dawn Of Justice debut he's rumoured to appear in Suicide Squad and will surely factor into the next Superman movie. If this version of the iconic villain doesn't resonate with viewers, then this creates some serious issues. There's no way The Avengers would have worked so well if Loki's introduction in Thor had been botched, and Batman and Superman need a great foe to bounce off. Lex will - at first at least - probably be more of an overarching villain plotting against these two heroes. In fact, it's believed that his obsession with metahumans will be the driving force behind introducing viewers to the heroes of the DCCU, making him a pivotal character to get right.

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