Batman V Superman: 10 Most Important Things It Has To Get Right

8. The Costumes

For those who liked Superman's Man Of Steel threads, Batman V Superman won't disappoint as he'll be decked out in only a very slightly modified version of that. Batman meanwhile looks great, though how it will actually look in action remains to be seen. Despite some ridicule, the updated version of Aquaman and Wonder Woman have also been well received, but there are still quite a few heroes that desperately need to be got right. Cyborg is one of them, as he could very well end up looking like a knock off RoboCop if they're not careful. Perhaps the biggest challenge though is The Flash (and Green Lantern if he appears). Batman V Superman can either go for practical costumes or fully CGI, but that didn't work out so well for Hal Jordan back in 2011. Both need to be enhanced by CGI regardless, and, after the mixed reaction to some costumes so far, they can't mess this up.

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