Batman V Superman: 10 Most Important Things It Has To Get Right

5. Marketing

Possibly one of the biggest reasons Man Of Steel received a fairly mixed response is down to how it was marketed. The trailers made it look like Christopher Nolan's Superman, and the majority went in expecting that. Instead, it was an action-packed Zack Snyder movie (admittedly bogged down by a clunky David Goyer script) which would have benefited from being marketed as such. If Batman V Superman is an all out action epic, market it like one! Trying to make it look like something else is just going to result in backlash, and this is an area which Marvel has perfected. They didn't try to make Guardians Of The Galaxy look like Star Wars; they marketed it like the weird ass space comedy it was, and that paid off for them. Most important, however, would be holding back on showing off too much of the fight between Batman and Superman; contrary to modern tactics, it pays to keep moviegoers intrigued.

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