Batman V Superman: 10 Positives For The Future Of The DCEU

8. It Showed A Willingness To Address Complaints And Adapt

Batman V Superman Wonder Woman
Warner Bros. Pictures

The almost total critical and commercial success of the MCU has, thus far, served to make its flaws something that the studio doesn't really feel a need to address. Sure, virtually every movie starts out pursuing an interesting, different narrative and ends with an action-cum-disaster scene of stuff falling from the sky, but as long as people keep liking the movies then this will remain the formula.

The DCEU doesn't have this luxury. Negative responses to their movies have made the directors and producers far more willing to react to audience and critic complaints than their Marvel counterparts.

This is apparent in Batman V Superman's opening scenes, one of the more exciting moments in a movie whose action set pieces are largely un-involving. 

By re-framing the climactic scenes of Man Of Steel from ground level, as Bruce Wayne races through the destruction, the movie was able to address the criticism of its predecessor being unconcerned by the ordinary people caught up in the city-levelling chaos. This audience complaint became one of the building blocks of the movie's story.

It doesn't stop with Batman V Superman either. That complaint about humourlessness? It's already being addressed in reshoots for Suicide Squad deliberately designed to add a bit more humour. Whether these last minute changes turn out to be a good idea or not remains to be seen, but you can't say that DC aren't listening to criticism.

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