Batman V Superman: 10 Positives For The Future Of The DCEU

7. There's No Need For The Worst Parts To Appear Again

Batman V Superman Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

Batman V Superman spent a lot of its bloated runtime setting things in motion for later films. It also featured characters so insufferable that it was a trial even spending time with them for one movie. These two elements in combination seem like a recipe for disaster.

However, perhaps more through good luck than good judgement admittedly, the elements of the film that were the most frustrating also happen to be those that Batman V Superman wrapped up in a sufficiently satisfactory way that they need not appear in the DCEU again.

Jesse Eisenberg's irritatingly erratic Lex Luthor finished the film, having finally attained his customary baldness, defeated, incarcerated and babbling about apocalyptic events to come. Naturally, leaving Lex alive is designed with the intention that he could play a greater role in the DCEU in the films to come, but equally it doesn't have to. His story has reached a logical conclusion and he could just be left to rot in prison for the rest of the series.

The movie's other big bad, Doomsday, is equally mishandled, nothing but a badly animated grunting troll with little character or interest. While Doomsday's ability to bounce back from everything stronger than before could have left him open for a resurrection (a la his comic book counterpart), the fact that he ends the movie dead means that we need never see him again.

On the other hand, those elements that are left open are those that work much better, which leads us to...

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