Batman V Superman: 10 Positives For The Future Of The DCEU

4. The 'Death' Of Superman Is A Good Starting Point For Justice League

Batman V Superman Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

OK, so nobody believes that Superman is really dead at the end of Batman V Superman. As with Commissioner Gordon in The Dark Knight or Nick Fury in The Winter Soldier, the fact that he clearly has a continued presence in the marketing of the ongoing means that nobody in the audience will believe that they won't see the Man of Steel again. (And the movie is aware enough of this already to tease his return in the final shots of earth disturbed above his coffin).

Just because Superman will clearly return at some point during the Justice League story does not, however, mean that his 'death' is a pointless or ineffectual plot point. (Given the messianic theme of the DCEU's representation of Superman, death and resurrection were always going to play a role). Even while audiences await his triumphant return, the Man of Steel's absence creates the potential for interesting character and narrative developments.

As I mentioned earlier, the narrative arc of the series so far appears to be: 'How does the normal world respond to Superman?', 'How does a street level hero like Batman respond to Superman?', and finally 'How does a world that's grown used to Superman deal with his absence?' The 'death' of Superman and his inability to act as the world's protector will mean that other heroes have to step up to fill the void.

Judging by the final scenes of Batman V Superman, this is the Dawn Of Justice promised by the subtitle. The idea that the Justice League comes into being as a substitute for Superman, that it makes Batman move beyond his insular, self pitying Gotham existence and brings Wonder Woman out of her own detachment from the world of men, is a solid set up for a Justice League film and an interesting concept.

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