Batman V Superman: 10 Positives For The Future Of The DCEU

5. The Metahumans Plot Means Justice League Is Ready To Go

Batman V Superman Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

The much talked about introduction of Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg in Batman V Superman may have been so awkward that it made Hawkeye's superfluous cameo in Thor seem like an organically developed part of the plot, but it has successfully served the same purpose as that shared universe set-up.

Having a scene in which Diana Prince just sits at his desk opening files with cheaply shot videos of other superheroes may have felt more like an extra feature than a part of the movie's story, and the fact that Lex appears to have branded all these metahumans to the point of giving them names and logos, is kind of weird, but it does get all the introductory stuff out of the way.

The reason why The Avengers worked so well, after all, is that we already knew who all of these characters were and we could just jump straight in and see them clash and then team up with each other. Without the luxury of multiple movies to introduce Aquaman et al, this scene at least lets the audience and characters know who they are and that they exist. It's a badly put together scene in itself,  but it could prove useful to the series in the long run.

Now that Batman and Wonder Woman know that the other metahumans exist and how to track them down, the opening of Justice League is ready to go. The film can get through the putting-the-team-together stuff quite quickly and move into the dynamics of how the characters react to each other and introduce a bigger threat.

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