Batman V Superman: 10 Spoilers We Learned From The New Images
8. The Justice League Script Is Finished
One very brief but interesting titbit in Entertainment Weekly's feature on Batman v Superman is the fact that Chris Terrio has finished writing Justice League.
When Warner Bros. announced their DC Comics slate, there were two Justice League movies referred to as "Part One" and "Part Two". It's currently unknown whether they will be two individual movies or one big two parter similar to Avengers: Infinity War, but Zack Snyder is fully prepared to spend a very long time with these characters.
"It’ll be five years by the time the movie comes out," Snyder said of his involvement with the DC Cinematic Universe to date. "And then if everything goes to plan it’ll be another five years of Justice League. I’ll be 10 years of superheroes by the end of this."
He clearly has plans to stick around for both Justice League movies then, and if recent rumours are to be believed, Chris Terrio is also going to be busy with these characters for the forseeable future. Apparently, he will soon be writing The Batman for Ben Affleck to direct a few years from now...