Batman V Superman: 10 Ways It Must Improve On Man Of Steel
More Clark, less dark.
Man Of Steel might not have been a perfect movie but it was hardly the disaster some people make it out to be. In the wake of its criticism, its sequelnow has the opportunity to build upon and irradicatesome of those pertinent critiques.
Zack Snyder has spoken outagainstretroactively fixing Man Of Steel and in fairness, he shouldn't be trying to make up for the past. He isright to be focusing on the film at hand: instead of trying to retconMan Of Steel, he sounds like he's pulling from his experience on the film to craft an even more well-rounded, yet still action-packed sequel.
At this point, audiences generally know what to expect from Snyder, and while he may not be a perfect director, he's not oblivious to learning from his mistakes. To repeat the same problems of the first film would suggest a lack of awareness by those in chargeand they surely cannot bethat boneheaded. Theyknow where therewas roomto correct weakerelements from last time and if theycan build on what Man Of Steel did right while addressing a few of those key concerns, Batman V Supermancould make for an incredible follow-up.
Batman V Superman will be a defining step forthe nascent DCEU, so showing that they have the ability to listen, adapt and improve will go a long way. This film is not going to be perfect but by doing certain things right that Man Of Steel did wrong, it can absolutely trend in a positivedirection.