Batman V Superman: 10 Ways It Must Improve On Man Of Steel
2. Lighten Up The Grim Tone
No one is asking DC to copy Marvels formula. Having a more serious tone is one thing that immediately sets their movies apart. That said, they could still do with a little bit of humour every now and then.
Superman admits himself that hes meant to stand for hope and yet the film feels far from uplifting. It feels dreary and dark, qualities not typically associated with Superman, and values that were clearly imprinted onto the character as a result of The Dark Knights successful use of gritty realism to tell its story.Unfortunately, Superman is almost the complete opposite of Batman and the dark tone doesnt really work for him.
Even if the tone isnt necessarily adjusted, simply the addition of Batman ought to help. His world is dark and the tone should feel more at home with him. It could be a case of addition by subtraction, but adopting a lighter tone with Superman while taking the same grim tone with Batman could help to further differentiate their two worlds while still allowing Snyder and company to keep partially creating that darkstyle of film they like.