Batman V Superman: 10 Ways It Must Improve On Man Of Steel

3. Pace The Film Better

Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.

For huge chunks of the movie, there seemed to be no rhyme or reason as to how it was put together, particularly in regards to the flashback scenes. It€™s understandable that they didn€™t want the whole thing to be chronological, lest we don€™t meet an adult Clark until halfway through the movie, but all the detours to his past pulled us out of the main story in the present.

Considering we know there€™s going to be Batman flashbacks this time around, they need to do a better job of minimizing them and including them more seamlessly. With two leads to worry about this time, screentime is already going to be at a premium, and it can't be wasted jumping back to Bruce Wayne's childhood.

From another standpoint, there also needs to be some more downtime between the set pieces. The film felt like it went from having no action for over an hour to two huge fight scenes in Smallville and Metropolis that were barely spaced apart. The audience needs time to let the repercussions of these events sink in and not just be bombarded with more action immediately.

As long as the opening of the film doesn€™t make another clunkyjump like going fromthe death of an alien planet to Clark Kent working on a fishing boat, things should be improved.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.