Batman V Superman: 10 Ways It Must Improve On Man Of Steel

4. Don€™t Tell Another Familiar Origin Story

Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.

The flashbacks to Clark Kent€™s childhood may have had the most emotional depth of anything in Man Of Steel but they felt very superfluous to the rest of the narrative. Audiences know who Superman is and seeing him struggle through childhood isn€™t something we need to see at length to understand.

Batman V Superman now faces a similar problem with how to handle Batman. Even moreso than Superman, everyone knows Batman€™s origin story. There€™s really no need to even show it. Regrettably, we already know that Thomas and Martha Wayne will be appearing, confirming that we will once again be seeing the death of Bruce Wayne€™s parents.

In this case the context is very important. Are we talking about a thirty-second clip during the opening credits like Snyder did with Watchmen? Is it going to be a brief nightmare early on? Or are we in for another movie blasted full of flashbacks throughout, because that didn€™t work so well last time...

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.