Batman V Superman: 12 Movies You Won't Believe Were Better Reviewed

3. Leprechaun In The Hood

Trimark Pictures
Trimark Pictures
Score: 33%

In the great history of films nobody needed, the vision of a murderous leprechaun breaking into the rap music industry to star for no reason at all opposite Coolio and Ice T must rank pretty highly.

It is inevitably horrendous, unwittingly hilarious and pretty much unwatchable for anything but flimsy kitsch reasons. And yet, it's currently still ranked higher than Batman v Superman.

Why It Did Better

Possibly because of its single crowning moment - a rap video that sees Warwick Davis spit rhymes - defies both logic and criticism. And also because Coolio, for some reason, is a beloved family figure.

The Lesson For Warner Bros

If in doubt, tag on a distracting music video featuring a rapping leprechaun and hope nobody remembers the other abominable 87 minutes.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.