Batman V Superman: 13 Biggest Blunders Zack Snyder Makes That Completely Ruin It

2. The Motivations For The Fight Are Laughable

Although it seems like such an obvious concept, Batman and Superman have rarely come to blows in the comics. There's a plethora of reasons why this plot device hasn't been used, but the biggest has to be that finding a reason for them to fight that allows them to pick up the pieces after is so tricky it's not really worth the thrill. The main notable case is Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, which loosely (very loosely) inspired the movie, and that was set well in the future.

Still, with almost three years to work on it you'd think at the very least Zack Snyder would have come up with a solid reason for what is, lest we forget, the title moment of the film. Ha, nope!

Batman's motivations are muddled by later events, but even his key driving factor only makes sense if we accept Bruce Wayne as a reactive moron. Superman's are harder to take serious, with everything in his stroy preceding the fight rendered moot by a couple of suddenly introduced factors. It's not helped by how "fight night" comes kinda out of nowhere, but that can't explain that, when they finally come face to face, neither character seems to want to be in the fight. And neither do the audience.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.