Batman V Superman: 13 Biggest Blunders Zack Snyder Makes That Completely Ruin It

1. The Fight Is Nothing More Than A Playground Brawl

Zack Snyder can direct action. It's what made his name with 300 and remains the one thing he's universally praised for. So even if the reasons for the big versus are flippant, at the least he'd be able to craft a good sequence? Even bigger ha, even bigger nope!

There's about a minute of the sequence that works, presenting you with an unclear power balance and Batman using as many gadgets as his belt will hold. But it's sandwiched between a booby trap sequence that would have been laughable in the Adam West era and an extended sequence in a drab location that uses every contrivance in the book to keep the fight going and results in the "greatest gladiator match in the history of the world" becoming two people punching back and forth. There's no sense this is Batman or Superman being Batman or Superman - they're forced by the lazy writing to be restrained.

But what really hurts is the resolution. We all knew #WhoWillWin was a bit of misnomer, but no amount of Trinity team up images could have prepared me for how one-note the conclusion would be. It actually uses one of the "Oh, cool" moments I mentioned earlier, but doesn't take it anywhere interesting and leaves the whole film empty.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.