Batman V Superman: 15 Theories That Were Utter Bull

8. Kryptonite Poisoning Causes Lex's Hair Loss

Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Rumour: We're all waiting for that iconic moment when Lex Luthor loses his flowing locks, and it was suggested to be caused by Kryptonite poisoning this time around.

How Much We Believed It: This is by far one of the most convincing of all the Batman v Superman rumours, given how much the trailers focused on Lex obsessing over Kryptonite, and how much it would clearly figure into the titular battle. 9/10

The Truth: Kryptonite isn't shown to have any adverse affects on humans, and instead, Luthor has his head shaved in prison after he's arrested. It's a somewhat more boring end result that's not particularly interesting, but it gets the job done for Justice League to have a slaphead Luthor all the same.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.