Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 8 Reasons Why The New Trailer Kills All Hope For The Film

7. The Dialogue All Sounds REALLY Self-Aware

"You must be new - that's Bruce Wayne." "We have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns" "Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent. I love it." "You should not pick a fight with this person." "The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world."
Good Bat of Gotham, can you have a single line of dialogue that isn't overtly winking to the audience about, well, everything? Yes, Clark Kent is an alien who arrived on Earth and became a superhero and, yes, Bruce Wayne is a masked vigilante who dresses like a bat and, yes, they're going to fight, but the script doesn't need to be alluding to it at every turn. I'm OK with things being a little extravagant - this is aiming to be a comic book transplanted to the big screen - but as with adapting a regular novel or beloved play some consolations need to be made if you're going for anything approaching realism, which for all the Synder-style this definitely is. I'm not going to judge how out of the place the lines feel because odds are we're not even getting them delivered in the correct context. Now some of these lines could work within the context - Lex is clearly one for high minded self-aggrandising, so his "greatest gladiator" summation does (for all its mirroring of Warner's hopes for the film) fit, as does delightfully announcing the two heroes meeting (if he knows their secret identity) - but overall it's groan-worthy stuff. Urgh.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.