Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

20. The Knightmare Sequence

Aside from the massive logo that gives away who the next villain of the DCEU is going to be (more of that later), there are moments in the Knightmare sequence that refer back to the comics and wider lore. Obviously, there's already been mention of Batman's Damian Wayne like trenchcoat, but the uniforms of Superman's henchmen seem to be lifted directly from Injustice. And of course, despite the strange lack of any explanation (or questioning from Batman), the sequence also includes Parademons, further hinting at that next big bad. So, was this a nightmare of things that could be, or that will be? Presumably the events of Batman V Superman derailed this future, but the end of the movie seemed to suggest we're still hurtling towards a similar dystopia anyway, unless the Justice League form.
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Easter Eggs
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