Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See
19. The Flash's Time Travel
The most confusing issue with the Knightmare sequence comes down to Flash's involvement and how Bruce Wayne singularly fails to react to the sight of a man talking to him from a rip in time and space. If it was a dream, does that mean Flash was interrupting Wayne's dreams and that he somehow has the power to make people fall asleep? Obviously in the comics, The Flash was able to count on the power of the Cosmic Treadmill to transcend the limits of time and the multiverses, so we'll have to assume for now that that's how Ezra Miller's future Justice League recruit will manage it to go back in time to tell Batman what to do. The most pertinent example comes, of course, from Crisis On Infinite Earths, when Flash played time-traveller to help his fellow heroes out. From the other brief cameo of The Flash, it looks like we're getting a Peter Parker-like version of the character, though it's hard to say anything much yet.