Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

17. Lex's Security Breach

When Lex manages to overcome literally the worst security system ever and commandeer the downed Kryptonian ship using only Zod's finger-tips and a very willingly overtaken AI, it feels very much like the moment in Superman II that sees Lex break into the Fortress of Solitude. That film also explored the issue of Clark Kent's romantic personal life with Lois Lane, which shapes a good part of the narrative in Batman V Superman. As if we needed two films about superhero wedded bliss... As far as I remember, Superman II included significantly less digitally removed nipples and bath sex. So much for a 12A rating. Incidentally, the AI is once again played by Carla Gugino, who voiced the ship in Man Of Steel.
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Easter Eggs
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