Batman V Superman: 5 Moments From The Comic-Con Trailer (That Will Suck In The Film)
4. Heck, Retconning Man Of Steel's Ending In General
Of course, Bruce Wayne's retroactive presence in Man Of Steel's finale is just part of a bigger push by Zack Snyder to try and combat the biggest problem with his Superman reboot. Above the saturated visuals and complete lack of relatable characters, the most long-standing criticism of Man Of Steel is the film's flippant approach to human life, with Smallville and Metropolis decimated and a good chunk of their population presumably killed. In the years since release, this anti-Superman ethos has been ridiculed incessantly, and rightly so. Joss Whedon even had vast swathes of Avengers: Age Of Ultron focus on the heroes saving civilians to explicitly combat DC. In defence, Snyder's now having it be a key plot point in the sequel, trying to pretend that it was the plan all along. Yeah, not buying it. It's a particularly pointless gesture given that, based on the action later in the trailer, Dawn Of Justice will have the same loss of life and buildings crumbling as its predecessor. On a similar note, why is General Zod's body around. I mean, I know the rumours (it's likely he'll become a villain who, in the comics, existed purely to beat Superman to death), but do we really need Michael Shannon hammin' it up again (love the guy, hate the performance)?