Zack Snyder's upcoming superhero blockbuster Batman v Superman appears to be shaping up as one of the most exciting movies currently in the cinematic pipeline. Even if its existence does mean that fans have to try to pretend Man of Steel successfully kicked-off the DC Cinematic Universe (it didn't; it was terrible; more on that later), audiences still appear to be giving the film the benefit of the doubt. You know, just praying it turns out okay. And whilst that's all well and good, there's no escaping the feeling that - ultimately - the movie is simply doomed to fail on almost every conceivable level. A genuinely great Batman v Superman flick is something that pretty much everyone wants, and yet there's this nagging feeling that audiences won't end up with one come 2016. There are just too many aspects that seem to have been inherently misjudged across the span of the film's production. What follows, then, are 6 reasons why Zack Snyder's sort-of sequel to Man of Steel has all the makings of a colossal non-success. This isn't an article which sets out to attack the movie for the sheer hell of it; it's a candid and honest look at a motion picture which appears to have the odds stacked against it, regardless of how badly everyone wants it to succeed...
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.