6. There's Far Too Much Going On To Ensure A Proper, Streamlined Narrative
"Batman v Superman." That concept, alone, should be enough to power a two-hour movie. After all, you've got tons of material to work with on the basis on that idea, and yet Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has - for some reason - ended up absolutely packed to the brim with other characters and other plots that are almost certainly going to take the focus away from what audiences actually want to see: a proper Batman v Superman movie with a clean, logical narrative running through it. Ever heard of too many cooks spoil the broth? Zack Snyder and his writers are apparently so excited with the notion of what, exactly, they can add to a Batman v Superman to make it even better, that they haven't stopped to think about whether they should. Does the movie need both Lex Luthor and the surprise villain that is rumoured to appear? Does it need Wonder Woman and Aquaman? Does there need to be anything other than a story about Batman fighting Superman? Well, no, not really. On that basis alone, it's easy to foresee a movie that tries too hard to incorporate far too much into its narrative. Less is sometimes more - but try telling that to Zack Snyder.
Sam Hill
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.
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