Batman V Superman: 8 Plot Twists No One Will See Coming

6. Superman Becomes Doomsday

So, the popular rumour/theory right now is that General Zod's corpse will somehow be reanimated into Doomsday for an epic final battle between him and the combined forces of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. That's pretty cool and all, but there's a much more shocking and exciting way this movie could handle the big screen debut of this iconic villain. In the comic books, Superman was transformed into a Doomsday like creature when he was exposed to a virus. Lex's experiments on Zod are no doubt being done in a bid to discover the Man of Steel's weaknesses, and the villain stumbling across a virus he believes will kill Superman - which in actual fact transforms him into an unstoppable beast - would be an awesome twist, and one which actually opens the door to a different iteration of Doomsday reappearing in a future Superman movie so he can be more than just a punching bag plot device used to assemble the Justice League. The fun thing about Superman becoming Doomsday is that Batman and Wonder Woman would be working not just to stop the monster, but also to save the hero within. The benefit of rumours like the Zod one is that everyone is now going into the movie expecting to see him transform, hence why Superman being the one to undergo this change would leave jaws on the floor!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.