Batman V Superman: 8 Plot Twists No One Will See Coming

7. Darkseid Is Pulling The Strings

While Lex clearly has his own reasons for wanting to take out Superman (and Metahumans in general by the sound of it), what if someone else is pulling the strings? He may be the big bad of Batman v Superman, but Lex actually answering to someone with a vested interest in the Man Of Steel's death would work very well, particularly if that explains where he learned to harvest Kryptonite. It's worth noting of course that Lex isn't a lackey to anyone, but he's worked with plenty of villains in the past to bring down Superman, and was even responsible for bringing Brainiac to Earth in The New 52 comic book continuity. So, having Batman v Superman conclude with Lex - who will have no doubt gotten away with unleashing Doomsday on Metropolis - returning to LexCorp and talking to a villain through a computer monitor would be great, especially if said bad guy was none other than Darkseid, arguably the Justice League's greatest foe. This is a moment which would come totally out of nowhere, and providing this brief conversation offered some insight as to why Darkseid wants to visit Earth - it would no doubt have something to do with killing Superman, especially as the comic book version went from reality to reality killing every version of him - this is a scene which would not only blow minds, but make way more sense than Thanos' Avengers cameo!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.