Batman V Superman: 8 Things That Need To Change To Make It Work

7. Get Some New Filters For Christ's Sake

Oh, excellent. Everything is a muddy greyish brown. What a fantastic point you've just made about how gritty and sinewy this world which you've made for your noble-but-actually-quite-troubled heroes. How very modish and dangerous of you to depart from the cartoonish excesses of the mid-90s. It's like watching a classic piece of film noir, except in this instance Humphrey Bogart can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes. Man Of Steel's grain was noticeable from the first frame and was never really used for anything creative, other than to repeatedly hammer home that this was different to the brightness of Christopher Reeve's movies. To paraphrase the previous point: there are ways of making your adaptation of fantastical source material feel rooted in reality without making your audience feel like they're slowly developing cataracts, you know. The Dark Knight Trilogy was grounded without having to go in for such tricks, and that's regarded pretty well.
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Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.