Batman V Superman: 8 Things That Need To Change To Make It Work

6. Try Harder With Your Strong Female Characters Than You Did Last Time Around, Zack

Lois Lane got pretty poorly served in Man Of Steel: she was perky enough, but that was more down to Amy Adams' general perkiness and verve than because she was given anything particularly interesting to do or say. Too often, modern blockbusters pay lip service to the idea of 'strong female characters' by just giving them a better job than they might have done in the past and occasionally having them mildly disagree with the main character before having to be rescued from some diabolical scheme or other. It's worn pretty thin now, to be honest. And not only do we have Adams returning for Batman V Superman, but also the introduction of Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. Now, characters who are blooded in other characters' films with a view to setting up their own films can get pretty badly shafted and end up with only a tokenistic relevance to the actual plot - prior to Age Of Ultron, that's certainly something which fans of Hawkeye levelled at Marvel - and that's an aspect which Dawn Of Justice needs to address. But with a female character that's even more of a risk - Hollywood at the moment just can't quite get past the whole damsel in distress idea. Wonder Woman's a very important character, both in the comics and the DCEU going forward, so she's one Snyder can't afford to mess up.
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Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.