Batman V Superman: 8 Things That Need To Change To Make It Work

4. Give The Action Some Purpose

Superhero movies have always favoured massive action finales like Stan Lee has favoured alliteration, but Man Of Steel's ending took the biscuit. However, the problem wasn't that it is necessarily bad for a movie to go balls to the wall destructive, especially if the fate of the world is at stake, but that there was no real reason for us to care anything about it. This is kinda an extension of the previous point, but even if there was top-tier CGI the finale of Man Of Steel still wouldn't have been engaging. The attempts to stop Zod all felt very flat, and none of the human characters involved had been developed to a point where their lives being in danger had an impact; give us a reason to invest in what's on screen beyond gasping at fireworks Batman V Superman does appear to have a lot of big action from the trailers (a shocker given the title), with several shots of mass devastation, although we'll have to wait until the movie's released before we know if there's a real purpose behind it. Let's hope the titular duo's fall out isn't over a bit of petty name calling.
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