Batman V Superman: 8 Things That Need To Change To Make It Work

5. Please, Please, Please Use Less CGI

There's a bit of a movement building against using computer generated effects right now - witness the gurglings of joy from Star Wars fans when JJ Abrams announced that he was trying to ensure that The Force Awakens will use practical effects as far as possible - and Dawn Of Justice would do well to heed that. The over-application of CGI was one of the biggest drawbacks of Man Of Steel. Yes, admittedly, it's quite hard to simulate a man flying through the air without it looking distinctly ropey by modern blockbuster standards, but I'd take that over the dismal display of widespread devastation which Superman left in his wake during the film that, because of the way it was animated and directed, felt dutiful and perfunctory. It wasn't a gob-smacking, shock-packed thrillride. It was an endless, one-paced, completely pointless smashing up of a city you didn't care about because it didn't feel like it had any weight to it whatsoever. It was, as Shakespeare probably would have said after he'd seen the movie, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. This one's quite unlikely to be heeded, judging by the trailer's depiction of the destruction of Wayne Tower or the clearly fake Senate building, but one can only ask.
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