Batman V Superman: 8 Things That Need To Change To Make It Work

1. Find A Less Obvious Way Of Working The Superman-As-God Angle

This one doesn€™t look like a particularly likely one to be fulfilled, going by the trailer. He€™s referred to as an angel, he€™s followed around by hordes of the great unwashed looking to rub Superman€™s Superpecs for good luck, and his statue gets tagged with the phrase: €™FALSE GOD€™. There€™s even a bit where a woman reaches out toward the floating Superman looking for supplication while golden rays of sunlight pour from the heavens behind him, like in a Renaissance painting. They might as well have Superman going, €œDO YOU GET IT GUYS I€™M REALLY POWERFUL LIKE JESUS EXCEPT LOOK I€™M FLYING WHEEEEEE!". There€™s a reason why Biblical epics went out of style, you know: everyone got bored of being made to feel bad about themselves in comparison to all these paragons of virtue, and struggled to connect with them emotionally rather than just intellectually. The same thing goes for Superman. Work the alien-as-flying-Jesus angle, of course, but spare us the sermonising. It does look at first glance that the bombast and pomposity of Man Of Steel has, lamentably, survived intact into Dawn Of Justice, but then again 120-second adverts aren€™t exactly an arena to which subtlety and understatement are regular visitors. What other big Man Of Steel issues does Batman V Superman need to address? Share any we missed down in the comments.
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