Batman V Superman: 9 Big Questions The Trailer Didn't Answer

1. Why Is Bruce The Only One Afraid Of Superman?

Superman caused an awful lot of collateral damage during his battle with Zod (scientists estimated that over $700 billion worth of damage would have been caused by ),not to mention a tremendous loss of life, but if we're to believe Bruce Wayne The Daily Planet loves Supes regardless, giving positive coverage to his every move to shift papers. We've also seen the citizens of Earth worshipping Kal as a god, despite the pain and suffering he's surely caused to hundreds of thousands of people. That's religion for you though I guess. In fact it seems like Bruce is the only one who actually seems to harbour any sort of real resentment towards the Alien demolition expert and what he represents. Sure we've seen the odd 'false god' graffiti, but it seems that, with the media on Superman's side, the detractors are in the minority. It could be that Superman has spent the intervening years rebuilding the city he calls home but even a herculean PR effort like that wouldn't be enough to convince everyone that Metropolis' destruction wasn't his fault. The DCU is meant to be darker and dirtier than the MCU, so to have near universal trust and love for Superman in the wake of Man of Steel just doesn't ring true. Which other questions do you wish you'd seen answered in the Batman V Superman trailer? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.
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Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.