Batman V Superman: 9 Big Questions The Trailer Didn't Answer

7. Why Fight Superman In A Big Metal Suit But Not Doomsday?

I can totally understand why Bruce Wayne would choose to take on Superman in a big old suit of armour. He's facing a foe he would usually have absolutely no chance whatsoever of beating, an alien demigod who knocks down buildings with a punch, shoots heat rays from his eyes and breaks the necks of other super-powered members of his race. I'd certainly not be going up against that in just a rubberised bodystocking. Whats slightly harder to grasp at this stage is why Batman would only use said armour to fight someone his own size and not to go toe-to-toe with Doomsday, the giant alien killing machine. Really, if he didn't pack it in his case for his trip to Metropolis after making up with Superman then he's going to feel pretty silly. It might be that Supes simply breaks the armour earlier, but even so you'd expect Batman to have a few similar numbers hanging in the batcloset in case of rampaging mutant Kryptonians.
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Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.