Batman V Superman: 9 Big Questions The Trailer Didn't Answer

4. Will Doomsday Remember His Past?

It'd be quite a shock at this stage if Doomsday didn't turn out to be the resurrected and genetically modified form of Man Of Steel's General Zod, especially not since the trailer showed Lex Luthor in possession of Zod's body before Doomsday turns up. Zod actor Michael Shannon has given stories of his time on set with prosthetic limbs in interviews, all of which hints that we may see a version of the character that exists somewhere between the Kryptonian despot and the monster that Luthor creates. But will Zod simply be a corpse or an unwilling test subject held against his will by Lex? Or could it be that Zod remembers who he was before death, perhaps even cooperating with the psychotic businessman as a way of taking his revenge on Kal-El? Either way Doomsday is set to cause our heroes a world of pain, but showing he has some semblance of his memory, and isn't just a mindless monster, would be an interesting step.
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Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.