Batman V Superman: 9 Major Reveals From The New Images

2. A New Take On The Batmobile

Thanks to set videos and it being on display at the Las Vegas Licensing Expo, we've all become pretty familiar with Batman V Superman's Batmobile in recent months. However, production designer Patrick Tatopoulos has now shed some light on the work that went into creating this new version of the Dark Knight's iconic vehicle. Describing it as more of a sexy tank than a Formula 1 racing car, the goal according to Tatopoulos was to make it feel "rougher, tougher, and grungier." He also tells the magazine that that is indeed a machine gun mounted on the front, something which is sure to worry fans who think that Ben Affleck's Batman may have a tendency to dish out Punisher-like levels of justice on those he takes down. After much speculation following the appearance of a flying vehicle of some sort in the Batman V Superman teaser trailer, Empire also confirms that the Batwing will factor into this movie. Interestingly, when we first see the Batmobile, it won't be in a huge action sequence; it will instead be a scene which depicts Bruce Wayne working on the vehicle because Snyder and Tatopoulos wanted it to have a used and beaten down feel rather than coming straight out of the Batcave like it's brand new.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.