Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 10 Things You Need To Know

8. Batman's Armoured Suit Doesn't Make Him Stronger

In Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, Batman dons an armoured suit for his final battle against Superman. He employs a number of different tricks to weaken the Man of Steel (including having Green Arrow shoot him with a Kryptonite arrow), and as none of us really know how much Snyder is going to borrow from that story, the version of the suit in Batman v Superman has obviously raised a lot of questions. While it was initially reported that the armour would enhance Batman's strength, Ben Affleck refuted that during his appearance at Comic-Con. The actor explained that the Caped Crusader isn't wearing it to be stronger; he's wearing it for protection against the far more powerful being he's facing off against. Of course, it's already been confirmed that the suit is laced with Kryptonite, something which is going to dramatically weaken Superman and bring him down to Batman's level. For that reason, Batman really doesn't need enhanced strength, he just needs a suit which can protect him from a weakened Superman who will still no doubt be much stronger than he is.
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