Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Premiere - 5 Early Reactions You Need To See

4. It's Better Than Man Of Steel... Man Of Steel was a very divisive movie, with both critics and fans alike split right down the middle. Thankfully, both fans who loved that movie and those who hated it have made a point of highlighting the fact that Batman v Superman is infinitely superior, a sure fire sign that the DC Films Universe is much better off without writer David Goyer (the Blade: Trinity helmer and Man of Steel scribe was replaced by Argo's Chris Terrio). These Tweets also seem to fly in the face of recent controversial comments from HitFix's Drew McWeeny in which he made some bold claims that Batman V Superman would divide fans just as much as Man Of Steel did (three years later, and some are still bickering over whether or not Superman should have snapped General Zod's neck). With many of these positive reactions coming from fans, there's no sign of controversy just yet.
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