Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Premiere - 5 Early Reactions You Need To See

3. ...And The Avengers? The future of the DC Films Universe hinges on the success of Batman V Superman. While Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, and Justice League will all happen regardless of the eventual critical and commercial response to this movie, it failing to live up to expectations will lead to some big changes at Warner Bros. Seeing it compared to The Avengers is obviously a good sign, especially if it ends up following in that movie's footsteps! The Avengers was a game changer back in 2012; still the highest grossing superhero movie of all-time, Joss Whedon did the impossible by bringing all of those individual characters together and making it work. If Snyder has done the same for the members of the Justice League in Batman V Superman, that points to good things to come for their eventual movie and how well he's managed to balance all the key players here.
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