Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Premiere - 5 Early Reactions You Need To See

1. It Received A Standing Ovation It's not uncommon for movie's to receive a round of applause after a premiere, but a polite smattering of claps would be more likely than a standing ovation if Batman v Superman was just mediocre. While the majority of critics are being kept under embargo, the regular people who attended are free to say whatever they want, and I honestly can't find so much as a single negative reaction, something which is definitely a rarity. What's particularly interesting about this Tweet is the mention of, "a gut wrenching emotional cliffhanger." That goes against pretty much everything we've heard about Batman V Superman up until this stage, and if it really does end on a cliffhanger which leads directly into Justice League, you'd best believe that Zack Snyder has some surprises in store for us come March 25th. Unfortunately, we'll just have to wait and see... What other reactions to Batman V Superman have you read? Are you excited for the film? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments.
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