Batman V Superman Final Trailer Breakdown - 30 Things You Need To See

20. The Fight Goes Aerial

After the door-ripping-off scene and Lex's "three syllable" insult, we jump forward in the film's timeline to the showdown between an armoured Batman and an angry Superman. They're clearly in the middle of the showdown - the collateral damage can be seen in the background - and Kal-El is beginning to realise he can't as easily beat his human foe; he purposely walks up to him, then lunges up into the air.
Remember in Man Of Steel when smashing through buildings got old really quickly? Well Zack Snyder clearly hasn't got the memo, because Superman's pick-up of Batman leads them through, you guessed it, a building. Let's hope that apartment's empty - we don't need a higher death count.
Although when it looks this good, it's hard to complain. Before you question it, this is all part of the same scene - it was raining when the guys were on the ground too. And I have to say, with the rain and the spotlights highlighting them, the two flying figures do look pretty awesome. There's a lot of other, isolated shots of the two sparring throughout the rest of the trailer, and most of that seems to form part of this confrontation.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.