Batman V Superman Final Trailer Breakdown - 30 Things You Need To See

6. The Ladies Of Clark Kent's Life

Diane Lane's Ma Kent has been pretty absent from the marketing for Batman V Superman, only appearing in the Comic Con trailer. This may be because so much of the action takes place in Metropolis and Gotham, with little time in Smallville, although we do get another look at her, in shock at some sort of event. What exactly? Well...
Who'd have thought in a trailer full of superhero antics we'd freeze-frame a coffee pot smashing? Well, this may actually be a pretty important clue to where Martha Kent is - she's working, meaning whatever's shocking her is playing out on TV, thus suggesting she's not going to be that involved in the movie's events.
The other woman in Superman's life, Lois Lane, appears a lot more in this trailer, here seen comforting Superman. Quite when this takes place is unclear - he's been in action and the location looks similar to an abandoned building where we've seen Batman, although Lois being there might not fit. Perhaps it's just somewhere in Metropolis.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.