Batman V Superman Final Trailer Breakdown - 30 Things You Need To See

5. An Imbalanced Fight

That well-distributed still of the two heroes face-to-face is now seen in movement, with the two characters leaning into frame to stare each other down. It's nice to see this moment, which has become one of the film's most memorable images, will indeed be part of the film and isn't just a marketing trick.
This probably comes from the very start of the main fight - both characters look pretty relaxed and there's minimal firey damage in the background. Expect a few unkind words where the stakes are raised a little higher before everything boils over.
So yeah, the pair won't stay close for long - with the raise of one hand Superman sends Batman flying, further reaffirmation that that suit doesn't combat against sheer Kryptonian strength. And the fight begins.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.