Batman V Superman New Trailer: 7 Huge Rumours Confirmed

3. Lex Luthor Has Zod's Body

Zod Batman Superman
Warner Bros

The Rumour: Lex Luthor acquires Zod’s corpse and experiments on it in order to find a way to defeat Superman. In the process, he accidentally triggers something in Zod that reanimates him as Doomsday.

What It Means For The Movie: While the Doomsday part of that rumour has yet to be confirmed, with the first half being true, it seems almost a given that Doomsday will be in the film. Doomsday’s presence as a final antagonist, and a severe physical threat to Superman has long been rumoured, but Zod’s presence may finally be enough to cement it as truth.

But beyond whether the indestructible monster is present, Lex having Zod’s body opens up a host of possibilities. Naturally, as a scientist, he would be interested in dissecting an alien’s corpse, but as the supervillain we know him to be, there’s surely something more sinister afoot, namely a personal way for Luthor to stand up to and hurt Superman.

Another interesting tidbit concerning Zod’s involvement is that his corpse is being transported in a case marked USAMRIID (United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) likely meaning that the government, specifically Holly Hunter, has given Zod to Lex with the intent to have him research and weaponize his findings, cementing their partnership and mutual desire to stop Superman.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.