Batman V Superman Trailer: 7 Things You're Wrong To Bitch About It
4. The Team-Up Was Always Happening
Did anybody really think that the climactic fight of a blockbuster tentpole movie, one that is trying to reintroduce Batman after a very short break, would really be between Superman and Batman? How would it end? With both sides eventually shaking hands and agreeing that they simply must get started on their superhero clubhouse? That was never really too likely now, was it? What is really bizarre is how annoyed people seem to be about actually seeing the three heroes standing together, about to get things done. Surely that's the point of movies like BvS and The Avengers? To see your favourites stood side by side and mask to mask. Obviously the film is called Batman V Superman and not Batman Hearts Superman, but judging by the promotional material and the inspiration behind chunks of the story it's a fair bet that there'll be plenty of fighting before the two kiss and make up. So suck it up, watch the two whale on each other for a while (it'll look amazing) and then marvel as they take on a threat bigger than either of them. Did you really want anything less?
Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.