Batman V Superman: 10 Ways It Will Set Up Other DC Movies

1. Untitled Batman film (TBA)

Although it is confirmed as happening, nobody really knows exactly when Ben Affleck will get his first solo outing as Batman or what its subtitle will be - and it would undoubtedly help to know both of those things when it comes to theorising precisely how Batman v Superman might set it up - but the basics of how it will ready Batman for another lone venture are fairly obvious. Batman v Superman will see a retired Batman being prompted back into action in order to tackle Superman. He will come to realise that he still has what it takes to fight and still has a lot to offer the world and, while he will help to guide the newly-formed Justice League in their quest to keep the peace, he must also watch over Gotham City and tidy it up (which he'll need to do, because some nasty things are coming!). With Suicide Squad following Batman v Superman, you have to imagine that Batman will be made aware of Task Force X towards the end of the movie - and given that all of the members of that titular villainous team were put in jail by the Dark Knight, he will potentially have to ready himself for their early release. What do you think? How will Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice help to set-up the subsequent movies in the DCEU franchise? Have your say in the comments section below.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.