Batman Vs. Superman: 10 Actors Who Could Play The Joker

2. James Franco

James Franco. Insane? Pretending to be insane? Does it even matter? Say what you will about this guy and his love of doing arty things that aren't acting, but he clearly has huge potential when it comes to playing off the wall villains... did you see him in Spring Breakers? What could have been an awkward, embarrassing mess of a performance somehow emerged as oddly mesmerising and transformative. It was James Franco unlike we'd ever seen him. Joker material? Think about how Franco plunged headfirst into that role and imagine how he might choose to tackle Batman's nemesis. Of course, Franco is an oddball in real life - we might as well start labelling him as "eccentric" already, 'cause c'mon, this guy is on something, right? And even if he's not, James Franco's facial expressions are nuts, and he tends to act like as if he's just walked out onto the street fresh from brain surgery. He's weird, plain and simple. Weird is good.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.