Batman Vs. Superman: 10 Actors Who Could Play The Joker

7. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt looks a lot like Heath Ledger, of course, and no, that's not why we picked him for inclusion on this list. Just picture this guy going a bit nuts and on screen, and feel your cinematic excitement levels tingling (wherever you keep them). That's to say, Gordon-Levitt has assumed lots of varied roles over the course of his career, but nothing that would transform him quite as much as the Joker would: a turn like this would be a major reinvention. So what could Gordon-Levitt offer Joker fans, exactly? Firstly, it's safe to say that he's always solid in everything... and like Ledger, he's handsome and likeable, so the contrast would be unexpected and shocking. He also needs a role to stretch his legs and challenge his abilities.... what better way than with a character so different from his usual picks? Trivial factors aside, there's this dark twinkle in his eye - a hidden menace, even - that movie-goers are yet to see in full force. One that needs to be ripped out and brandished all over the screen in the most aggressive way imaginable.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.