Batman Vs. Superman Movie: 10 Potential Reasons They Could Fight

3. A Superman Imposter

Given that Superman is basically a god, it makes sense that people are always trying to duplicate his powers. In the real world, superheroes like Captain Marvel and Captain Atom were created with nearly the same powers after Superman's creation. DC Comics writers weren't above trying to do this themselves and created several other kryptonian heroes and villains like Supergirl, Power Girl, and General Zod. With as much precedent for Superman-like beings, it wouldn't be too odd if the Man of Steel series introduced it's own ersatz-Kryptonian. And chances are, he or she won't be nearly as heroic. The most famous villainous Superman knockoff is Bizarro, a creature constantly compelled into evil. While his original origin claims he's from a world with backwards morality (killing is saving, hurting is helping, etc), the animated series origin instead makes him a degraded clone of Superman who's lost his mind. Lex Luthor created him to subvert Superman, but his appearance and stupidity kind of killed that plan. Of course, when someone's flying around and destroying buildings, he's going to seem just like the real Superman to the casual onlooker. Including Batman.

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