Unless you've been living under a rock recently, you'll be more than aware that there has been some more news concerning Batman vs Superman movie, with Jesse Eisenberg joining as arch-villain Lex Luthor and British stalwart actor Jeremy Irons cast as the dependable Alfred Pennyworth. While one can see the logic of the Eisenberg choice (though many were clamouring for Bryan Cranston, and many more have been visibly outraged by the casting) Jeremy Irons is a little more... odd. It's not because Irons wouldn't to be able to pull off the role - as modern English actors go he is one of the best - but Irons' most memorable and best performances are mostly as villains, or at least deeply flawed individuals who have many more demons than Bruce Wayne's stoic butler. Perhaps Snyder and David S Goyer are looking at a completely different approach to Alfred, channelling the spirit of the comic book version of the character who has so far been conspicuously absent from the screen version, which has mostly ignored the military past, in favour of an almost matriarchal figure. This article isn't designed to tell you that Irons can't pull off the role - that much will be discovered or disproved in 2016: instead, this is an article that will detail some of his best villainous turns to show you that he should be on the side of the devils, rather than the angels. When one sees some of the roles that Irons has played over the years, they hardly denote loyal manservant but rather something far deeper and malevolent, and that could make his performance as the most famous butler in comic books somewhat problematic. Naturally, there are spoilers contained within, relating to some of Irons' villainous roles.
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