Batman vs Superman Movie: 10 Cameos We Hope To See

2. Aquaman

Aquaman is the little runt of the Justice League, and is a frequent source of mockery for comic book fans, given how he's severely limited by his water-based activities, and is generally seen as a goofy character that's difficult to transition properly into the live action world. Nevertheless, rumours have suggested that Aquaman may have a small role in Batman vs. Superman, as would probably be a smart move in order to get us familiar with him ahead of a full-on Justice League movie. Actors such as Jason Momoa and Josh Holloway have been linked with the role, though both have been quick to shoot these suggestions down as mere rumour. The Cameo: A difficult one to decide on, as it's not exactly natural for Superman and or Batman to just venture down to the ocean to chill with Aquaman for a little bit, unless there's a set-piece which ends up concluding on a body of water, at which point they could plausibly meet Aquaman.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.