Batman vs Superman Movie: 10 Cameos We Hope To See

9. Cyborg

After Henry Cavill publically stated that he hoped Cyborg would end up joining the Batman vs. Superman enterprise, rumours began to emerge that Zack Snyder would be introducing the character, and had even met with Michael B. Jordan about the part. According to Latino Review (where the rumour originated), the role would require a physically in-shape black actor in his 20s for a recurring part in future movies, and honestly, how many characters in this universe would that really suit, short of it being an entirely new character, of course? Naturally with Jordan playing The Human Torch, these casting rumours went nowhere, though it's still entirely possible that Victor Stone aka Cyborg will show up in the movie. The Cameo: Given that the movie has so much to establish already, introducing Cyborg as a full-fledged character would be challenging. We know that a scene has already been filmed at a football field, so what about featuring Stone on the field, as an easter egg for audiences to look out for (he has been a football star in the comics)? Or if they really were approaching an actor of Jordan's caliber for the part, perhaps a dialogue-based set-up for a more prominent role in the next Superman movie, or even a post-credits reveal of some kind, in which he becomes Cyborg?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.